Where to being with High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is usually considered a lifestyle issue. There can be many causes. But for some of the typical lifestyle changes, we can check the START NEW principles of health:

Specific Starter Remedies:

Friends ask me for remedies, who do not want to use medication and would like to try lifestyle change. Some immediate things which can be implemented, while a comprehensive lifestyle reform may take more discipline and time, I have listed below, which has helped many of our medical missionaries and their own families and friends.

Nutrition, Water, Action:

-lemon water in the morning on empty.
-1 tbsp flaxseed fresh ground, per meal (use clean coffee grinder, no caffeine please!)
-juice 30 mins prior food: try green apple (granny smith), celery, parsley, some lemon, add some garlic if you are open to it. dash of cayenne pepper when drinking
-progressively add more plant based food to the plate
-slowly reduce flesh foods (meats/fish/dairy)
-cook with minimal refined oils
-get fats from whole seeds and nuts, avocado, olives (watch the salt..)
-change salt from morton's processed salts to unrefined Celtic Salt. Or Green Salt (salicornia plant ground/powdered)

Sunshine, Exercise, Action:

-mile or more long walks daily
-start an outdoor garden, even if small scale
-go hiking, walk by the coast

Trust (Divine Trust, Thankfulness):

-pray for God’s healing power over you
-read Scripture, Bible promises of hope
-give praise to God
-remember, gratitude and fear cannot co-exist in the brain. God commands us 365 times in Scripture to “fear not” but give thanks in all things.

Golden Rule: Pure Blood

All remedies are geared towards delivering pure healthy blood to the site of injury to heal it. If the blood is impure, this can be an obstacle. Therefore whole healthy lifestyle is very important.

For Better Health in Christ,
Volunteer Medical Missionary


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