‘Modern’ Wheat and The Diabetes Pandemic

Watch these easy to understand simple short clips to learn what has been affecting many Western Societies, or societies who have adopted the Modern (1950’s and beyond) Western Diet.


1. How Blood Glucose is Balanced in the Body

2. How the Body Develops Insulin Resistance


3. Diabetes | A Modern Problem

4. Starvation Crisis and Wheat Hybridization


5. Which is better? Modern White Wheat vs Sugar

6. Shocking ! Modern WHOLE Wheat : more Amylopectin A


7. Modern Hybridized Wheat | Amylopectin A

8. Amylopectin B and Amylopectin C


9. Whole Wheat Diet and Increasing Insulin Prescription

10. Diabetes Pandemic and Hybridized Modern Wheat


Walking to Combat the Diabetes Pandemic: Study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267507/


Where to being with High Blood Pressure?