Exercise moves the body, opens up the blood vessels, and allows the body fluids, especially blood and lymph fluid, to flow freely, through every part it was intended to flow through. This will cause the blood to become purified and toxins to be expelled from the body. Our now sedentary lifestyle must be modified in order for our bodies to gain the activity that is natural to the laws and systems of the body, to maintain health.

See below examples of great exercises!


  • Gardening

    Physical exercise in variable positions

    Fresh ionized air (if organic farming)

    Sunshine and vitamin D

    Research shows great for anxiety depression

  • Walking

    30+mins releases endorphins!

    May exercise almost all muscles in the body.

    Calming energizing and healing.

    (outdoor) Fresh ionized air

    (outdoor) Sunshine and vitamin D

  • Trampoline

    Promotes healthy joint fluid flow in the whole body

    (outdoor) Fresh ionized air

    (outdoor) Sunshine and vitamin D

    Why Rebounding?

    Detox Routine on Rebounder

  • Endorphins can give you reduced pain perception, put you in a better mood. Endorphins is a group of peptide hormones that are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

  • Serotonin and norphenylephrine release around 30-45mins. But endorphins release around 1+hours after intense exercise.

  • Strength training and increase your mortality rate according this study.