Vitamin D! is very well known as a bare necessity for our health. We need it to absorb calcium and have strong bones (and teeth!). The sun can disinfect, cause vitamin D formation in our bodies, and give us warmth that does not compare to an artificial heater. Our plants which is meant for our food and healing, thrive under the sunshine and so do we! Naturally when getting sunshine, one will also get fresh ionized air! Breathing deep through the nose allows for the stimulation of the limbic system, and the lungs to be utilized to its fullest! Increasing oxygen intake, and calming the nerves, improving the mood.

How much is a good?

Infants: 15mins-60mins per day, prior to 10am. Study
Adults Fair Skin: 10-30mins per day, arms legs abdomen back when shadow is shorter than you - mid-day. Study
Adults Dark Skin: 1+hr per day, arms legs abdomen back when shadow is shorter than you - mid-day. Study

About UV: the very UVB ray that gives us vitamin D is the very UVB ray which is said to cause cancer. Yet healthy vitamin D can increase cancer survival (lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer mortality and incidence). Lifestyle habits and underlying pre-existing conditions which promote growth of cancer cells must be targeted and worked on to achieve holistic health. This includes avoiding excess tanning/sun-exposure. All things must be in moderation.

Rule of Thumb: avoid burning from the sun. Study

Sleep and Sunshine:

Morning Sun: In the first hour of your morning, 30-45mins of sunshine outside, allow eyes to be in the sun (not directly looking at the sun) without shades or hats. Study

Oral Health and Sunshine:

This study was published by my patient, Dr William Grant, whose credentials are listed in the document. This study shows the importance of appropriate blood D levels for good oral health, specifically periodontal in the study. Sunshine being the main source of D for our bodies, adequate sunshine is also very important for our gingival periodontal health!

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