Dense Nutrition

Matthew 6:11 ESV

Give us this day our daily bread

Dense Nutrition:

The concept of having a nutrition dense meal is a modern thing. The reason is that our food has deteriorated in nutritional value over the many years, with the many things we did to it, and one full stomach now does not equal the nutrition our bodies need to thrive. But it was not so in past, when the soil was taken better care of, richer in minerals, humanity had more access to natural nutrition dense whole plant food. There was also less access to the conveniences that reduces our physical activity, and of course less access to processed foods or none at all. Over time, as humanity chose convenience, we now sit for the majority of our lives - the toxic sedentary life-style.

Source of Energy:

During the recent past, maybe 400 years, we lived under the misconception that processed sugar is a source of energy. Of course now we know better, but this played a huge role in our degeneration and in the increase of disease prevalence. Now, another misconception we live under is that caffeine is a good source of energy. If only everyone knew the things caffeine does to rather deplete the building blocks that give us real energy, and that what we feel with caffeine is but a shell of energy with no substance to support it. We chose sugar and now, we choose caffeine. Our bodies being malnourished without us knowing also encourages the concluding that something other than food is needed for energy.

Let’s talk Solutions:

The produce we have at current is what is available to us. So then how can we gain the nutrition our bodies truly need, when we only have so much room in the stomach, and so much time to eat? Eating constantly through the day? No. This causes a plethora of other issues with non-stop over-working of the digestive system; it is taxing and disease causing.

Idea 1: Soak and Sprout Grains, Pseudograins, Seeds, Nuts, Legumes: when these begin to sprout, the nutrition value is very high in order to support its further growth. This is the ideal time for us to consume them.

Idea 2: Juice the veges needed, and drink ~30minute before your balanced (macros) meal . This gives extra nutrition, but does not interfere with digestion with heavier than needed liquid.

Idea 3: Garden your own veges and fruit. This healing & therapeutic activity not only provides for more nutritious foods, but it can heal depression and anxiety.

I truly wish for everyone’s health and well-being, and for everyone to see that the Creator’s plan was better than our choices. Let us return to the Creator’s plan and learn about His love for us through these steps to healthy lifestyle.

With Love in Christ,
Hyun Bang

START NEW and Be Revived : Learn about whole health, the 8 lifestyle natural remedies.


Soak and Sprout


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