Buckwheat Bakes

Buckwheat Bakes with Cranberry and Flax

-          1 cup hulled buckwheat groats, soak overnight and rinse, sprout 12-24hours if possible

-          1/2 cup flax seeds

-          1/3 cup dried cranberries (fresh, use half cup and decrease water slightly)

-          1/2 -1 cup arrowroot powder

-          1 tablespoon local raw honey

-          2 teaspoons vanilla extract (non-alcohol)

- 1/2 teaspoon unrefined salt (Celtic, Real, Himalayan)

-          1/4-1 cup cup clean water. IMPORTANT: If using dried sprouted buckwheat and seeds, use more water. If using soaked, then use less water to begin.

1.        Blend all ingredients in blender: relatively thick batter. **if too runny due to overdoing water, can add more dry buckwheat and a little more flax

2.       Let it sit at room temp for 1hr to 1.5hrs, up to 2hrs.

3.       Preheat oven to 350 F.

4.       Place clumps of it on baking sheet with parchment paper

5.       Bake 25-30mins, if can smell fragrance of the bake, can remove and check. It will be a chewy consistency like a bagel, but more moist.


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