Carob Creations
udpated: 4/22/2023
Choc-less Almond Fudge Drops
1 cup Almond pulp leftover after making almond milk (I use the Almond Cow…3minutes and it’s ready)
1 tbsp Almond butter
1/4 cup carob powder
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup pecans
5-7 turkish apricots or 2-5 (max) medjool dates (less dates since they can be sweeter)
1/4 tbsp date sugar (date sugar has a lower glycemic index with more nutrients than popular alternatives like coconut sugar)
1tsp-tbsp vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon celtic salt
Put all through food processor until pasty (break up the processing to 5-7 times to prevent overheat)
Take a little scoop of any shape and roll over carob powder
Refrigerate at least until cold or overnight
Enjoy, sip a little almond milk if needed.
**Those whose gut is still healing, avoid nuts in general until the gut is stronger. Try sunflower seeds instead.
Berry Cho-less Swirl
Carob Pudding
1 Avocado
Some Carob Powder (freely add to taste)
Some Maple Syrup (add to taste less or more but don’t overdo)
Pinch Unrefined Salt (Celtic, Real, Himalayan) (also add to taste but don’t over do)
Option: vanilla
Blend in a Vitamix or any other Blender, and Enjoy!
Recipe provided by Ivanka McCourt, RN and Med Missionary ( USA )
Carob Date Treats
200g medjool dates
150g almonds
4 tbsp Coconut flakes
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
1 tbsp Carob
Pinch Unrefined Salt (Celtic, Real, Himalayan) (also add to taste but don’t over do)
1 tbsp spoon almond butter
vanilla extract
Mix it strongly with a good blender.
Roll into a ball
**Those whose gut is still healing, avoid nuts in general until the gut is stronger.
Recipe provided by Roberta Li, DMD and Med Missionary ( Germany )