Wasting Our Immune Cells

Our body has an amazing defense system. It is so intelligently organized and also powerful! But when a powerful army get scattered and spread thin, there is only so much it can do! Doing our best to prevent wasting away our immune cells is key to having a prepared immune response for when it is needed, like when you get a cold or flu, or even something like covid. See what are causes of cell injury and cell death which wastes away our immune cells.

General principle

- the more types and longer exposed to inflammatories, the more immune cells will be used. this repeated insult changes our bodies to a disease friendly, dysfunctional, degenerated environment.

Causes of Cell Injury and Cell Death

  • Structural issues which cause repeat chronic injury, or physical damage and wear beyond the norm: bad bite, airway restriction, airway resistence, grinding, clenching.

  • Infection: viruses, bacteria, fungi

  • Toxins: mold, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, hair dyes, cosmetics and body care ingredients, household cleaning products ingredients

  • Pharmaceuticals: drugs, vaccines, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy

  • Nutrition: sugar, refined carbohydrates, flavor enhancers, aroma enhancers, preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners, vinegars, pickled foods, and the list goes on

  • Stress: emotional, physical, mental. conscious and subconscious. bitterness ,resentment, lack of forgiveness increases stress and consumes our resources. depression is a risk factor for disease

  • Lifestyle Practices: lack of sleep, ack of exercise, lack of sunlight, lack of fresh air

START NEW is a great acronym to check if you are tackling all aspects of health! Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Application, Rest, Trust and Testimony


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