Brown Recluse Bite
Immediate Response is Key
All of the remedies here must be done. If all are not available, do as much of what you can simultaneously and immediately.
Hot Cold Contrast baths and poultice should be done one after the other repeatedly multiple times. If possible up to 7 times per day.
Teas must drink first 24hours consistently then throughout.
As improvement is noted, can begin to taper frequency or the remedies.
Intense Hot Cold Contrast
Hot water, as hot as person can take, in a 5 gallon bucket or full tub, whatever can get full immersion of the lesion site and beyond.
Activated Charcoal 1/2-3/4 cup.
Cold water, with ice, in a 5 gallon bucket, or tub.
2mins hot/charcoal
20 seconds cold
repeat 4-7times
Place poultice next
Charcoal-Herb Poultice
Charcoal Poultice Materials
Echinacea, Turmeric, Plantain, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Ashwaghanda (and more!)
Apply poultice in a wide range around the bite
Change frequently every 3-4 hours
At night, must get up to change during the night
Do contrast baths again
Hyaluronidase Inhibiting Herbal Teas
Echinacea, Turmeric, Plantain, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Ashwaghanda (and more!)
Tea making equipment
Steep in hot water 15-20minutes
Drink consistently like water during the treatment phase (1-several weeks)
How to Notice: NOTRECLUSE
N: Numerous: only one lesion is usually present in a brown recluse spider bite
O: Occurrence : A bite usually occurs when disturbing the spider. As the name suggests, they tend to avoid people, hiding in dark spaces like in a box or the attic
T: Timing :
U: Ulceration:
S: Single:
“Only about 30% of the parasites that you actually pass will be visible since their bodies begin to decay when they die.
It can take a day or two to pass a dead parasite, so be extra sure to keep the bowels open. Do an enema if you need to, just do not allow yourself to go without having bowel movements!! Often you will not see the parasites unless you take a stick and pull the stool apart. Gross, but if you want to know, this may be what it takes to see them.
Sometimes they’re readily visible.”
Full Moon Challenge Explained: parasites tend to be more active around the full moon. This means it is prime time to have cleanse.
“Please note that for a person who is relatively healthy, it will usually take at least 90 days to rid the body of a parasite infestation. For one who has any chronic illness, it will likely take up to two years. So be diligent.”
- Compliments of Danna Gesellchen, Closure for Jesus